Destiny Put Me Where I Am Today
Haha, det här är första gången jag har blivit tvingad att sitta vid datorn xD Mamma och pappa vill att jag skulle kolla några saker, plus beställa skolfotona! Ish.. Undrar hur dom ser ut! :D
Btw, det var ju så dålig mottagning för mig med Tele2, så nu har jag mitt gamla halebopnummer igen!♥
Just nu sitter jag och lyssnar på den bästa av alla bästa! Kevin Borg. (Nu blir Manda glad när jag skriver om honom xD) Shit vilken talang killen har! Det kanske ni redan visste att jag tyckte det men ändå! Haha. Jag kollar om och om igen när han uppträder med The Last Words på sommarkrysset. Vilken utstrålning. Plus att jag bara älskar remixen av The Last Words! Älskar honom verkligen ;o <3
Och när han uppträder med Charlotte Perellis låt Tusen och en natt, jag menar, vilken omtänksamhet mot folket. Ingen annan som jag har sett uppträda där har låtit handikappade personer sjunga. Det är så fint!!♥
Kevin kommer alltid vara en jättestor förebild och min största idol. Så känns det nu. Och jag älskar inte bara hans röst utan hela honom. Han är så omtänksam mot allt och alla. Och när han står på scen har han mest utsrålning av alla jag har sett. Man får kontakt med honom. Tack för att du finns Kevin. Du har gjort mig till den jag är idag!♥
Just nu är ju Kevin i Malta, han ska ha spelningar där! Önskar att jag vora där och kunde se honom ;) Men det finns en intervju med honom, jätterolig att läsa tycker jag! Om man kan engelska förstås! Haha.

''Kevin Borg, is just another 23- year old Maltese Boy. He's a charmer, has an overly bright smile and is fun to speak to and be around with. He's also an international sensation topping the Swedish charts after having won Sweden's version of Pop Idol. caught up with Kevin to see what he's up to nowadays...
Kevin, what's the difference between the Kevin Borg we know now, and the Kevin Borg we knew in Kalamita?
I'm basically the same person, character wise and such. But now, professionally obviously things have changed. I've worked with so many producers and so many professionals in the business- that I've learnt a lot professionally- but I'm still the same person in the end; my character is still the same.
Right now you're living in Sweden- what is the difference between living in Sweden and Malta, lifestyle wise?
Well the people are the same- they're amazing. The people are kind, helpful and very friendly. Lifestyle wise, you go out less in Sweden because it's so cold, and because in Malta it's so hot. Over here you have to go out in summer, to swim or something to cool off- while there in winter you tend not to go out that much because of the cold in winter. But they're two great countries.
You've just brought out an album, which is your favorite track?
I've been asked this before and it's always a tough question however I think I would choose Painted Black. It's a track I wrote myself and it means a lot to me. I like my newest single right now as well called "The Last Words", which there's a remix to, so it's sort of a new twist to the song.
When you type in "Kevin Borg" in google, everything from yahoo music to metrolyrics to IMBD to street teams pop up, proving that you're an international success. However, you weren't chosen as a Maltese representative for the Eurovision Cong contest- do you think this sort of thing is linked to our "bad luck" in the eurovision?
Thank you for not choosing me for the Eurovision! (He laughs) Seriously, if the Maltese population did choose me, I might have been in a place different to where I am today. I'm just so blessed. It was destiny that brought me here and I'm so lucky.
Would you consider representing Malta in the Eurovision now?
I've been asked this question so many times! In Sweden everyone wants me to represent them in the contest- however I've never thought about it when it comes to either country. When I do something, I put my 100% into it and right now I have Swedish High School Musical planned, so I'm quite busy putting my 100% into that. When the musical is over then I'll think of other plans.
But could the Eurovision be one of those plans?
I don't know! (he laughs and winks)
Do you get stopped on the street in Sweden?
Ask my friends! (He turns to his friends and asks them the question, to which they all almost fall off their chairs yelling "Yes")
What about in Malta?
Quite a few times actually, I like it, Maltese people are nice; they're laid back and fantastic.
So you're got a pretty good fan base then?
I can't get out of my door in Sweden... people keep putting letters into my door and it's hard not to get mobbed when I leave the house.
When you were in Malta, you weren't one of the biggest stars around- is this a little bit of an "I-Told-You-So"?
Not at all! I do what I do because I love music; it's everything to me. I don't care if people say bad things about me and give me bad criticism- I'm just so happy doing what I do.
Kevin, do you think you're blessed by the powers-that-be?
Yes, Destiny put me where I am today. If I hadn't met my girlfriend, I would have never gone to Sweden. And she would have never seen the audition on TV- so I was just in the right place at the right time.
And finally, who inspires you?
I have a lot of people who inspire me, but my girlfriend is my number one. Everyone inspires me, she inspires me, my friends inspire me, my family inspires me and my [late] mother inspires me.''
Fan, han är bäst. Och så kommer det alltid, alltid att vara. Jag vill bara gråta, för han är så bra, på allt. Vad ska man göra? Finns ingen underbarare! Ingen kan förstå hur mycket jag älskar honom, och ingen kan förstå hur ont det gör att veta att man inte kan få träffa honom ofta.
The One And Only - Kevin Borg♥


Btw, det var ju så dålig mottagning för mig med Tele2, så nu har jag mitt gamla halebopnummer igen!♥
Just nu sitter jag och lyssnar på den bästa av alla bästa! Kevin Borg. (Nu blir Manda glad när jag skriver om honom xD) Shit vilken talang killen har! Det kanske ni redan visste att jag tyckte det men ändå! Haha. Jag kollar om och om igen när han uppträder med The Last Words på sommarkrysset. Vilken utstrålning. Plus att jag bara älskar remixen av The Last Words! Älskar honom verkligen ;o <3
Och när han uppträder med Charlotte Perellis låt Tusen och en natt, jag menar, vilken omtänksamhet mot folket. Ingen annan som jag har sett uppträda där har låtit handikappade personer sjunga. Det är så fint!!♥
Kevin kommer alltid vara en jättestor förebild och min största idol. Så känns det nu. Och jag älskar inte bara hans röst utan hela honom. Han är så omtänksam mot allt och alla. Och när han står på scen har han mest utsrålning av alla jag har sett. Man får kontakt med honom. Tack för att du finns Kevin. Du har gjort mig till den jag är idag!♥
Just nu är ju Kevin i Malta, han ska ha spelningar där! Önskar att jag vora där och kunde se honom ;) Men det finns en intervju med honom, jätterolig att läsa tycker jag! Om man kan engelska förstås! Haha.

''Kevin Borg, is just another 23- year old Maltese Boy. He's a charmer, has an overly bright smile and is fun to speak to and be around with. He's also an international sensation topping the Swedish charts after having won Sweden's version of Pop Idol. caught up with Kevin to see what he's up to nowadays...
Kevin, what's the difference between the Kevin Borg we know now, and the Kevin Borg we knew in Kalamita?
I'm basically the same person, character wise and such. But now, professionally obviously things have changed. I've worked with so many producers and so many professionals in the business- that I've learnt a lot professionally- but I'm still the same person in the end; my character is still the same.
Right now you're living in Sweden- what is the difference between living in Sweden and Malta, lifestyle wise?
Well the people are the same- they're amazing. The people are kind, helpful and very friendly. Lifestyle wise, you go out less in Sweden because it's so cold, and because in Malta it's so hot. Over here you have to go out in summer, to swim or something to cool off- while there in winter you tend not to go out that much because of the cold in winter. But they're two great countries.
You've just brought out an album, which is your favorite track?
I've been asked this before and it's always a tough question however I think I would choose Painted Black. It's a track I wrote myself and it means a lot to me. I like my newest single right now as well called "The Last Words", which there's a remix to, so it's sort of a new twist to the song.
When you type in "Kevin Borg" in google, everything from yahoo music to metrolyrics to IMBD to street teams pop up, proving that you're an international success. However, you weren't chosen as a Maltese representative for the Eurovision Cong contest- do you think this sort of thing is linked to our "bad luck" in the eurovision?
Thank you for not choosing me for the Eurovision! (He laughs) Seriously, if the Maltese population did choose me, I might have been in a place different to where I am today. I'm just so blessed. It was destiny that brought me here and I'm so lucky.
Would you consider representing Malta in the Eurovision now?
I've been asked this question so many times! In Sweden everyone wants me to represent them in the contest- however I've never thought about it when it comes to either country. When I do something, I put my 100% into it and right now I have Swedish High School Musical planned, so I'm quite busy putting my 100% into that. When the musical is over then I'll think of other plans.
But could the Eurovision be one of those plans?
I don't know! (he laughs and winks)
Do you get stopped on the street in Sweden?
Ask my friends! (He turns to his friends and asks them the question, to which they all almost fall off their chairs yelling "Yes")
What about in Malta?
Quite a few times actually, I like it, Maltese people are nice; they're laid back and fantastic.
So you're got a pretty good fan base then?
I can't get out of my door in Sweden... people keep putting letters into my door and it's hard not to get mobbed when I leave the house.
When you were in Malta, you weren't one of the biggest stars around- is this a little bit of an "I-Told-You-So"?
Not at all! I do what I do because I love music; it's everything to me. I don't care if people say bad things about me and give me bad criticism- I'm just so happy doing what I do.
Kevin, do you think you're blessed by the powers-that-be?
Yes, Destiny put me where I am today. If I hadn't met my girlfriend, I would have never gone to Sweden. And she would have never seen the audition on TV- so I was just in the right place at the right time.
And finally, who inspires you?
I have a lot of people who inspire me, but my girlfriend is my number one. Everyone inspires me, she inspires me, my friends inspire me, my family inspires me and my [late] mother inspires me.''
Fan, han är bäst. Och så kommer det alltid, alltid att vara. Jag vill bara gråta, för han är så bra, på allt. Vad ska man göra? Finns ingen underbarare! Ingen kan förstå hur mycket jag älskar honom, och ingen kan förstå hur ont det gör att veta att man inte kan få träffa honom ofta.
The One And Only - Kevin Borg♥

